Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The prologue

             I thought I'd try starting a blog because there are so many things I'd like to talk about and I have no forum to do so, with the exception of Facebook. However I think it's fair to say people would quickly get sick of my long winded comments about current affairs in their news feed. If I get a fair amount of people interested in reading it, great. If not, I'll just treat this like an online journal for my day to day life. 
             To be clear, no, I don't think my opinion is so important I need to share it with the world. But it seems that everyday I hear about issues or stories that I have a strong opinion about. And the only outlet I have for my thoughts is to talk Niki's ear off about them at the end of the day. Though she claims to love when I go on my rants, I can't help but think that it gets to her after a while. So I think this would be a decent platform for me to share my views and for people to fire back their opinions in return.
             No topic will be discriminated against, I'll discuss everything from current events, politics, entertainment, sports, religion, etc. I will say up front, I do lean towards liberal views. That is not to say I refuse to accept conservative views or opinions. Nothing annoys me more than people who refuse to see the other side of issues and stick to their guns to the death. So if you're very conservative and do not like to hear the other side of things, this probably won't be for you.
             This won't be strictly a place for me to complain about what's going on in the world. I will also use this to record my personal life as it unfolds. I'm a recent newlywed (married 8 months as of tomorrow) with my first child on the way in a little over 8 weeks from now. Needless to say, a lot is going on in my life nowadays. I am extremely excited to become father, fully understanding the trials and tribulations headed my way. It's becoming more real as each day passes that my life is about to change drastically and will never be the same. But I am accepting and looking forward to the experiences that parenting a child brings forth.
              I suppose this wouldn't be much of a first blog entry without posing a discussion. Simply put, I cannot wait until the Presidential election is over. Clearly, that will not be the end of all the crap we hear everyday. Once the decision has been made, it will start the complaining from the side that lost the election of how they demand a recount of the votes or request that we impeach the new Commander in Chief. To take a stance on the nominees; I will be the first to admit Obama is not perfect, but he has accomplished many things during his first term in office. With that said, I am truly fearful to see what would happen if we make the enormous mistake of voting in Mitt Romney. I've had the opportunity to see him speak in person in Bowling Green, and I was at a press conference involving his Vice Presidential front runners. He is the biggest yes man I've ever witnessed in politics, and somehow he's the one the U.S. has chosen to represent the Republican Party. How is it that we manage to weed out all the legitimate, qualified candidates before we reach the primary election? If it wasn't such an important decision, it would be laughable. However, this is the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION! It speaks volumes of the values and intelligence of American citizens. If anyone out there believes Romney has our best interests in mind, you are sadly mistaken. This is a man that preyed upon weak businesses, bought them out, and pieced them out to make a buck. He looks out for big business and nothing else. If he was voted into office, we would collectively watch the gap between the middle class and the rich grow exponentially. Things would get so much worse, it truly scares the hell out of me. We will see the poor become poorer, and the rich become richer. Something I very much so do not want to see happen. Look at the photo below; Does that look like a guy that has the working man's best interest in mind? But hey, that's just what I think. What say you?